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Double Coated:    Shave Down Form


 The question still remains then, why not shave them and just keep them out of the sun?


For one, they may not actually be cool even if they are out of the sun, the topcoat can help to keep the


heat off the skin itself and unlike people, dogs do not sweat through their skin.


Dogs sweat by panting and through the pads of the feet.


Shaving them actually removes some of their natural ability to stay cool.


Another reason is that when the hair does begin to grow back it tends to do strange things.


For some, it may mean having patches that don’t grow at all, or that don’t grow both types of coat


layers (top and under), older dogs often have issues with proper regrowth and then for others


(which happens most often) the undercoat grows in faster than the topcoat (since the topcoat isn’t


meant to shed extensively it grows extremely slowly) so now that protective topcoat is matted into the


undercoat. Dogs like this generally appear as though they have thyroid issues. The hair looks fuzzy


and varies in length all over the body.  This doesn’t mean the coat will forever stay this way. Most of


the time with regular brushing and the next shed cycle the topcoat will get longer while the undercoat


sheds away, eventually leaving the coat the way it once was with long topcoat guard hairs and a thick


shorter undercoat. One other thing to note about those topcoat guard hairs – they actually prevent the


dog from getting wet.  Due to the coarseness of the guard hairs water rolls off of this topcoat keeping


the undercoat dry, this in the winter is important to keeping the dog warm and dry.


Those problems may be the following but not limited to:


​Loss of hair growth


“Coat Funk”- the coat not growing back in the same texture and or color prior to shaving


Bald patches


Hyper pigmentation of the skin- Darkening of the skin where the coat has not grown back




Loss of Guard Coat- Top Layer of Coat


Coat re-growth in different direction (cowlick’s)



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Shelly's Little Dog Grooming



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